Chiropractic is a health care profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system and the effects of these disorders on general health.
A holistic treatment for the permanent elimination of food and environmental allergies, which may be the cause of a wide range of illness.
In orthopedic medicine, traction refers to the set of mechanisms for straightening broken bones or relieving pressure on the spine and skeletal system.
Mon: 7:30am – 6:00pm
Tues: 8:30am – 1:00pm
Wed: 7:30am – 6:00pm
Thu: 7:30am-10:00am (Boulder)
Fri: 7:30am – 6:00pm
Sat/Sun: Closed
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Or feel free to call us at: 303-651-1234